Personal Hygiene
In light of the recent Coronavirus scare, the Woodlands Pre-Primary children attended an informative talk by Mrs Stokes about personal hygiene. The importance of cleanliness and regular hand washing was stressed and demonstrated. They were made aware of how to prevent their germs from spreading and how to protect themselves against contracting germs from others. …
Kenny Kangaroo, first day back at school helper
The excitement was in the air on the first day of school, as “Kenny” the Kangaroo greeted the Woodlands Pre-Primary class of 2020. The children were so thrilled to have “Kenny” escort them and their parents to their new class. Old friendships were rekindled, new friendships were formed and fun was had by all. We …
Acquaintance Evening
The first parent meeting of 2020 at the Pre-primary took the form of an Acquaintance evening. Parents got to meet the Teacher and fellow class Parents. The Teacher explained her classroom rules, regulations and expectations for the year. Parents were given the opportunity to meet with the Coaches of the Outsourced Extra murals. Having 14 …