At Woodlands Pre-Primary simple creative activities are included in the daily programme and form the building blocks of child development. Learning to create and appreciate visual aesthetics may be more important than ever to the development of the next generation of children as they grow up.

Art enhances a child’s motor skills. From a small scribble to a masterpiece that takes pride of place on the family fridge, art stimulates both sides of the brain, increases the capacity of memory, attention and concentration. It helps develop reading skills and children do better in maths and science. It also introduces children to new vocabulary and concepts.

As children manipulate a paintbrush, their fine motor skills improve. By counting pieces and colours, they learn the basics of mathematics. When children experiment with materials, they dabble in science. Most important perhaps, when kids feel good while they are creating, art helps boost self-confidence. They learn to think and act as artists, makers and designers, working creatively and intelligently. They develop an appreciation of and engagement in art, craft and design as critical consumers and audiences and an understanding of its role in the creative and cultural industries that shape and enrich their lives. Through creative art, children may be able to represent experiences that they cannot verbalise. They may draw pictures out of proportion, exaggerating things that are important to them. When we value children’s creativity, we help them feel valued as people, raising their self-esteem.

In the early stages of learning, at pre-school, students engage with the art activity because it’s fun. However, through the arts, students develop skills like resilience, grit, and a growth mindset to help them master their craft, encouraging them to do well academically and succeed in life.