It is a distinct honour to welcome you to this gateway to the Junior College, which it is my hope will provide you with a glimpse into the unique and dynamic environment that contributes to the collective experience that is Woodlands International College.

As a long-serving member of the Woodlands community for over 16 years, it has been my privilege to be a part of the remarkable growth – and to witness the maturing – of this highly regarded educational institution which has become progressively synonymous within the broader East Rand (and wider) communities that it serves, with outstanding educational standards and the holistic growth of its students. In my dual role as both an educator and a parent of Woodlands International College, I am continually admiring of the emphasis placed on the individual child, as a whole, from encouraging their emotional growth, to striving academically, as well as embracing both sporting and cultural opportunities.

Since its inception, Woodlands International College has lived by its mantra “To Rise Above Mediocrity” in the steadfast implementation of its mission statement to develop and nurture critical thinking, well-rounded students who are continually encouraged and mentored to reach their fullest possible potential.

It is, for me personally, inspiring and humbling to work within a family of highly skilled, experienced educators who are deeply caring and who, importantly, strive daily to create and cultivate a caring, safe environment in which individual personality can take flight whilst equally fostering the importance of developing the interpersonal skills requisite for being eloquent, well articulated and logical contributors to society and whichever field of endeavor they elect to pursue in their later lives – either individually, as part of a team, or perhaps even as leaders.

Expectations of the skills and abilities of a student once they have completed their primary and secondary education have evolved dramatically and continue to do so at an ever increasing rate. It is our commitment as educators at Woodlands to keep our fingers on the pulse of these demands in order to equip and empower our students with an array of tools, skills and abilities essential for flourishing as young adults in a demanding and exacting world.

Part of this imperative vests in the implementation, in our Intermediate Phase, of a cutting edge “Fourth Industrial Revolution” agenda for staff and students alike through the integrated use of digital media, exposing students to the stimuli and environments that will in the future mirror their real world lived environment – whilst maintaining the highest of academic standards.

I feel very fortunate to be a part of the exceptional team at Woodlands, and invite you to explore our capabilities through the pages of this website; better still, we would welcome the opportunity to answer your questions in person and provide you with a private tour of our facilities. Appointments may be scheduled with our Admissions Secretary.

Mrs Rhona Knell
Principal: Junior College