Our Grade 5 students look forward to the last term of the year, when they shadow the current Grade 6 Prefects. The Prefect group is led by the Head Boy and Head Girl, who are ably assisted by their Deputies.
Although being a leader at such a young age may seem to be asking a lot, the youngsters are well mentored by the staff. They are encouraged to lead by example as they set the tone for and embrace the ethos of Woodlands College. Our Prefect body frequently demonstrates initiative and is proactive in assisting the Staff with a range of important tasks integral to the smooth day-to-day administration of the Junior College. They also promote the values of kindness, perseverance, generosity, honesty and independence. This attitude fosters good relationships with all members of the Woodlands family. Amongst their duties is the chance to be an ambassador for Woodlands at our annual Open Day, and they certainly acquit themselves in this regard with great aplomb. Their ability to communicate with the visiting parents is always a source of great pride for the College.
As we prepare young citizens of this country to be our future leaders, we bear in mind the words of Dwight D Eisenhower: “The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.”