At Woodlands International College, the safety, security and personal well-being of all our students and staff is of paramount importance. Should a student contravene any of the College Rules and in so doing infringe on the rights of the other Woodlands International College students to enjoy a safe and secure environment in which their well-being is promoted, the student will be dealt with based on the Disciplinary Procedures detailed in this the Student Code of Conduct.
This Student Code of Conduct forms an integral part of the Educational Contract entered into between Woodlands International College, the student and the parents or guardians of the student. Should the student breach any area of this Code of Conduct, it brings in question the validity of the Educational Contract.
When dealing with any infringements under the Student Code of Conduct, the College recognizes:
- the right that the punishment be fair, reasonable, appropriate and consistent;
- the right of the student to understand any breach of standards;
- the right of the student to state the circumstances of his or her case;
- the right of the student to appear before and be heard by a Disciplinary Committee;
- the right to appeal to the relevant Principal and/or College Director.
This Student Code of Conduct highlights the varying degrees to which the rules of the College may be breached. As such, the disciplinary actions resulting from these breaches also vary based on the nature of the discipline infringement. The most serious of infringements can lead to the termination of the Educational Contract which will result in the student no longer being eligible to be a student at Woodlands International College.
All parents, guardians, staff members and notably students, are urged to study this Code of Conduct thoroughly in order to understand what is expected of them. A positive attitude and spirit of co-operation will enable Woodlands International College to function successfully to the benefit of all concerned.
PLEASE NOTE: It is not a realistic expectation that every possible disciplinary infringement be documented within this Student Code of Conduct. Should such an eventuality arise that the College is forced to deal with an infringement that is not stated in this policy, the College undertakes to deal with such an infringement in the spirit in which this policy is intended: to be fair to all parties in understanding the infringement and to be fair and consistent in the consequences resulting from the said infringement.
Each Specific Area of Conduct as detailed in this Policy Booklet will be quantified based on four separate Stages of Infringement.
Stage 1 Infringements – these are simple and basic infringements that are easily managed and dealt with.
These are issued by the Homeroom Teacher, Subject Teacher, Sports or Cultural teacher and do not accrue to “Negative Actions”. After four misdemeanors issued by the same member of staff, a Break Detention will be issued, and managed by the issuing teacher.
Accumulating Towards Friday Detentions |
Uniform Concerns | These pertain to the wearing of uniform. |
Minor Academic Infringements | Required work not done, books not at school, no textbooks at school, test not signed, incomplete work, copying work (where no marks are allocated). |
Time Management | Late for school, lessons, matches and/or practices. |
Conduct | Disruptive behaviour, foul language, chewing gum, unsporting behaviour, disobedience. |
- Should the relevant Grade Controller and/or Head of Department feel that Stage 1 Infringements be accumulating to such an extent that the Student receives more than 3 Break Detentions, a Friday Detention will be issued by the Grade Controller.
- Should a student receive more than 3 Friday Detentions in a Term, Parents will be invited by the HOD for a meeting to discuss and determine additional remediation.
This remediation can include:
- Daily Report
- Compulsory Homework Class Attendance
- Removal of Exam Privileges
- Compulsory Homework Class Attendance
- Academic Suspension
Stage 2 Infringements – these are more serious infringements and as such will result in students being issued “Negative Actions”. These will be recorded on the student’s file.
1 issued forCategory A |
2 issued forCategory B
Can only be issued by College Executive |
3 issued forCategory C
Can only be issued by College Principal or Deputy Principal |
The following disciplinary actions will be taken by the College upon the accumulation of the increasing number of “Negative Actions” associated with Stage 2 Infringements
- 3 – First NOTIFICATION from Grade Controller & Friday Detention. NB – Should an incident occur that falls into Category C the Deputy Principal and/or Principal will be informed immediately.
- 6 – First LETTER OF WARNING from Head of Department & Friday Detention
- 9 – Three Day Suspension followed by DISCIPLINARY HEARING with student and parents – Second LETTER OF WARNING
The College, can choose to increase the value of the “Negative Actions” awarded for the Final Section of Stage 2 Infringements. This decision will be based on:
- The Grade in which the Student/s are at the time of incident, with a more serious consideration to Students in the Senior Grades – Grades 10 to 12.
- The severity of the incident in question.
At the end of each Academic Year, any accumulated “Negative Actions” related to Stage 2 Infringements will be zeroed and the student will start the new Academic Year with a Zero Score. While the previous years’ infringements will not be held over the student, they will still remain on the student’s record to illustrate patterns of behaviour. Should a student seriously infringe the Student Code of Conduct in similar areas for a second year, these previous patterns of behaviour can and will be raised as a concern.
Stage 3 Infringements – these are extremely serious infringements and will result in an automatic 3 day suspension and a disciplinary hearing.
A “Negative Action” is issued for a Stage 3 Infringement, but the student is automatically suspended for 3 days pending a disciplinary hearing.
When a student behaves in a manner which deems immediate suspension necessary, the first two letters of warning are not applicable | |
Suspension & disciplinary hearing | Possession and/or misuse or the intent to use a dangerous weapon on the College Campus or in College uniform |
Suspension & disciplinary hearing | Possession of alcohol or drugs – immediate drug testing will be instituted |
Suspension & disciplinary hearing | Hate speech – serious and/or provocatory |
Suspension & disciplinary hearing | Smoking cigarettes – either tobacco based, e-cigarettes or hubbly (of any sort) on the College campus, in College uniform or while representing the College |
Suspension & disciplinary hearing | Distribution of pornography |
Suspension & disciplinary hearing | Sexual misconduct regardless of gender – both at the College or while representing the College at any function or tour |
Suspension & disciplinary hearing | Sexual harassment – both emotional and physical |
When a student behaves in a manner which deems immediate suspension necessary, the first two letters of warning are not applicable and a final letter of warning is issued. | |
Suspension, disciplinary hearing and possible cancellation of Educational Contract | Consuming/being under the influence of alchohol/drugs on College campus or while representing the College – immediate drug testing will be implemented and a detailed investigation will take place. Depending on the severity of the findings of the investigation the following steps will be implemented:
Stage 4 Infringements – these are the most serious of infringements and will result in the automatic termination of the Educational Contract.
When a student behaves in a manner which deems it necessary to issue 18 Negative Actions, a disciplinary hearing will be held and the Educational Contract between the parents, the student and the College will be terminated. No first, second or final warnings will be necessary | |
Disciplinary hearing and termination of Educational Contract | Dealing in drugs |
Disciplinary hearing and termination of Educational Contract | Using a dangerous weapon/object to purposefully inflict grievous bodily harm |
Disciplinary hearing and termination of Educational Contract | Non consensual sexual misconduct |
Students should be aware that they are representatives of Woodlands International College at all times and accept the responsibility of this role. They are instantly recognizable as such when in the College uniform. Students must wear the correct full and neat uniform appropriate for the season, the occasion or activity. No mixing of uniform items is permitted.
- When required, Blazers are worn to and from school, in corridors, at assemblies, for all formal occasions and outside school when in uniform e.g. shopping malls.
- Permission to remove blazers may be requested from the relevant teacher.
- Boys’ Blazers should be buttoned with the top button on formal occasions. Blazers must have all buttons.
- Items of school uniform are to be bought in the correct size and replaced when too small or if in a poor state of repair.
- Items of uniform are to be worn in the original, approved width, length and colour.
- Girls dresses or skirts must be worn on the knee.
- Outside of school (i.e. travelling to or from school, in a public place) either full school uniform, full sports uniform or casual clothes should be worn. Students should not mix any part of the three together.
- Long pants need to be of an appropriate length and not dragging on the ground resulting in frayed edges.
- Jersey sleeves are not to be worn over the hand.
- Parents are asked to mark all items of clothing with the Student’s name.
Hair and Accessories | |
Boys | Girls |
If the hairstyle is unusual in appearance the final decision regarding this lies with the Executive. | Hair must be clean and tidy. |
Hair must follow the natural shape of the head.
Hair must be clean and tidy. |
Hair must follow the natural shape of the head.If the hairstyle is unusual in appearance the final decision regarding this lies with the Executive. |
The use of hair dyes and tints are at the discretion of the Executive. | The use of hair dyes and tints are at the discretion of the Executive. |
Hair must be cut above the collar and eyebrows and follow the head shape neatly. | Fringes must be cut above the eyebrows or clipped back off the face. |
No shaven heads, brush-cuts or paths to be cut into the hair or any other kind of zigzag pattern. No ‘S’ curls. | Medium and long hair should be tied close to the head. Hair accessories may only be in College colours – navy or burgundy – and of discreet size and shape. |
No sideburns longer than middle of ear. | Plaiting / braiding must be neat and tidy. |
Hair may not be spiked or gelled excessively. | Hair may not be spiked or gelled excessively. |
The shaping of the hair may not start higher than 2cm above the ear. | Nails must be clean, neat and no longer than the end of each finger. No coloured or tinted nail polish – Grade 11s and 12s are allowed to have slightly longer nails and a French manicure. |
The length g the hair on top of the head, may not be longer than 5cm. | No accessories of any kind except watches and medical bracelets. Conventional Religious symbols may be worn, but they must be hidden by clothing. |
Boys must be clean-shaven. | One pair of silver or gold sleepers or studs may be worn in pierced ears- bottom hole only. No coloured ear rings. No other visible piercings. |
Nails must be clean, neat and no longer than the end of each finger. | Tattoos may not be visible. They must be covered by clothing and or plaster. |
No accessories of any kind except watches and medical bracelets. Conventional Religious symbols may be worn, but they must be hidden by clothing. | |
No visible piercings e.g: nose studs, ear rings. | |
Tattoos may not be visible. They must be covered by clothing and or plaster. |
GIRLS GRADE 7 – 12 | ||
7 – 10 | Tartan skirt . Short-sleeved blue blouse. College Blazer White socks with stripe. Brown leather shoes as supplied by the College uniform shop. Boys – 32032 ( size 4 & 5) and Girls – 33018 (size 2 – 9) Navy jersey if necessary (sleeveless or long sleeved.) |
Tartan skirt / slacks Long- sleeved blue shirt and tie. Navy opaque tights – if wearing a skirt. Navy socks – if wearing slacks. Brown leather shoes as supplied by the College uniform shop. Boys – 32032 ( size 4 & 5) and Girls – 33018 (size 2 – 9) Navy jersey. College Blazer. College scarf & College beanie. |
11 – 12 | Tartan pencil skirt. Short-sleeved blue blouse Sheer pantyhose – flesh coloured are optional. If pantyhose are not worn, secret socks may be worn but they must not be visible. Brown Green Cross court shoes (style 51330). NB: If girls should have an injury ONLY the brown Green Cross pump style no 51339 may be worn. Navy jersey (if necessary). College Blazer. |
Tartan pencil skirt / slacks. Long-sleeved blue shirt and tie. Brown leather shoes as supplied by the College uniform shop. (junior shoe may be worn with slacks). Navy opaque tights – if wearing a skirt. Navy socks – if wearing slacks. NO Secret Socks Navy jersey. College Blazer. College scarf. College beanie. |
PREFECTS: | As for Grade 11 – 12. Blazer with applicable cording, scroll and badge. |
As for Grade 11 – 12. Blazer with applicable cording, scroll and badge. |
COLOURS: | Uniform as required by applicable grade. Blazer with applicable scroll and/or badge. |
Uniform as required by applicable grade. Blazer with applicable scroll and/or badge. |
SPORT: | Woodlands P.E. uniform – compulsory. Woodlands College tracksuit – compulsory. For Enrichment: Compulsory tracksuit / no other tracksuit / kit may be worn. Team uniform specific to sport, e.g. hockey, soccer. |
Woodlands P.E. uniform – compulsory. Woodlands College tracksuit – compulsory. For Enrichment: Compulsory tracksuit / no other tracksuit / kit may be worn. Team uniform specific to sport, e.g. hockey, soccer. |
College Dri-Mac Available by order through College |
College Dri-Mac Available by order through College |
- Students must be dressed in the correct College P.T. kit (Woodlands shorts and Woodlands T-shirt or House T-shirt) or Woodlands tracksuit.
- Students may not wear long sleeved vests or T-shirts underneath their short sleeved T-shirts. On cold days the tracksuit must be worn.
- Only proper sports trainers may be worn which must be correctly laced. (No pumps, sandals, tommy’s or flip flops etc.)
- Black, white or navy blue socks must be worn.
- Normal rules apply re – hair, shaving, make-up, jewelry and tattoos.
- The Staff member in charge of the activity must ensure that students are dressed correctly.
- On the days which students will be allowed to wear their sports kit, the same dress code as for Enrichment days applies.
- The Principal will decide which days this will be.
- All students attending camps or tours have to leave the College in their P.T. shirt and shorts or College tracksuit.
- Where special camp or tour shirts have been made, these must be worn with the College P.T. shorts or College tracksuit.
- Only proper sports trainers may be worn which must be correctly laced. (No pumps, sandals, tommy’s or flip flops etc.)
- Black, white or navy blue socks must be worn.
- During day trips students must wear their correct College uniform. In certain cases, where the nature of the outing requires more casual clothes and at the discretion of the Principal, students may dress as for Enrichment or Sports Days.
- Students may no longer wear their golf shirts or P.T. shirt with jeans on outings due to the vast difference in style and colour of jeans.
- Normal rules apply re – hair, shaving, make-up, jewelry and tattoos.
- Shorts may not be shorter than just above the knee.
- Shirts and T-shirts must have sleeves – no vests.
- No undesirable pictures or slogans on T-shirts.
- Underwear (even boxer shorts) must not be visible.
- Tattoos may not be visible.
- The clothing must be in accordance with the “theme” of the civvy day.
- No bare tummies.
- No revealing necklines – i.e. cover up cleavage.
- If shorts or skirts are worn, they may not be shorter than mid-thigh.
- Underwear must not be visible.
- Leggings or other tight pants may be worn, however your shirt must be long enough to cover your bottom.
- No undesirable pictures or slogans on T-shirts.
- Light make up may be worn and hair must be out of the face.
- Only watches, one pair of ear-rings (in the bottom hole) and a necklace may be worn. No nose-rings or other studs may be worn.
- Tattoos may not be visible.
- The clothing must be in accordance with the theme of the civvy day.
On these specific days, only the following may be worn:
- Blue denim jeans (long and not torn) or College tracksuit pants or sport shorts.
- An official SA supporter’s shirt i.e. with SA badge or SOUTH AFRICA. No other shirt is acceptable.
- If it is cold, students may only wear their Woodlands tracksuit top.
Please remember that participation in Civvy Days is not compulsory. Should students prefer to wear their normal College uniform they may do so with pleasure.
- Students of Woodlands International College will be expected to be presentably dressed at all times.
- Students may only wear their sport’s team kit for matches and not on Enrichment days, sports days or on outings.
- Students who do not comply with these rules, will be called in by an Executive member of staff and in the case of an outing or tour they will lose the privilege of going on the outing or tour.
- Constant disobeying of this Dress Code Policy will prevent the student from having the privilege of wearing Sport / Civvy dress – they will have to wear full correct College uniform.
- Team and Sports
- Students must take care of their belongings and know where they have been left – specifically iPads.
- Valuables may be handed in at the College office or to a teacher for safe-keeping, e.g. money, cameras, flashdisks, CDs, cellular phones, etc.
- The College will not take responsibility for the misplacement, loss or theft of any of the above items.
- Dangerous substances (for example: chemicals, explosives, fireworks, matches, etc) may not be brought to College.
- Prescription drugs and medicines must be lodged with the College secretary with labelled instructions so that they can be administered at the appropriate time.
- Dangerous toys or weapons of any kind (e.g. guns, knives, catapults, dart guns) may not be brought to College. (Unless under instruction of the College – for example a sharp knife for a Life Science Practical or Air-Rifle or Crossbow for Enrichment)
- The College reserves the right to search any bag or locker either randomly or under reasonable suspicion that a problem may exist.
- When a Student is unable to attend College, a parent or guardian must contact the College reception or email HOD/Homeroom teacher. The information and reasons for the absenteeism will be passed on to the relevant teacher.
- When returning to College, the Student must bring a hardcopy absentee note from a parent, addressed to the Principal. This should be handed to the Homeroom Teacher and will be included in the Student’s file.
- A Doctor’s Certificate is also required when a student is absent during part of or all of test or on examination days. This also applies on days when projects and/or assignments are due and students are absent.
- Appointments to see Medical Practitioners during College hours, should only be made by parents if no other opportunity exists or in the case of an emergency.
- In this case the student must report to the Head of Department with a note signed by the parent explaining the circumstances and stating the time of collection.
- A “Permission to leave early” slip will be given and this must be signed by all the teachers who are still to teach the Student for the remainder of the day. This note must then be signed by the HOD or the Deputy Principal and then given to the Principal’s Secretary.
- NB – No students will be given a “Permission to leave early” slip without a written letter from the parents/guardians explaining why the student needs to leave.
- The only exception would be if the student falls ill or is injured during the school day. The Grade Controller and/or Head of Department will decide whether student may go home.
- Fit Students must return to College immediately after the appointment. Students who are not well, and are not able to return the same day, must present a Doctor’s Certificate on the day they return to College and the parents must inform the College.
- The above processes are required to be followed in any instance where the Student leaves the College during the College day.
- Bunking of an Assembly, a lesson, part or all of an Academic, Sporting and/or Cultural Day is not permitted.
At Woodlands International College the following policy is in place and must be adhered to by all Woodlands students who bring a cellphone to College.
We understand the importance of students having the means to contact their family in emergency situations.
PLEASE NOTE – should a student have the need to contact their parents during the College Academic day, they must report to the College office and request to use the College telephone. In instances where it is not possible to report to the office, the student must request permission from a teacher to use their cellphone. The call must be made in front of the teacher.
Should a student contact their parents without the permission of a teacher or the secretaries in the front office, they will have contravened the Student Code of Conduct.
- The College takes no responsibility for the loss of cellphones.
- Prior to any test or examination all students need to switch off their cellphone and hand them in to the invigilator. They may only be collected at the end of the test period or examination. Failure to do so will be considered as cheating.
- Should the cellphone need to be retained for a period of time as evidence in a disciplinary situation, the College must phone the parents and inform them that the student is no longer in the possession of the cellphone.
Any use of cellphones other than in the above circumstances is strictly prohibited.
CONDUCT AREA 6 – ACCEPTABLE USER POLICY (iPad, Smartphone, Tablet, Computers)
Learning is an ongoing interaction between students, teachers, and parents. Using any of the aforementioned devices within education can help augment the curriculum while allowing students to better learn and comprehend the material. The policies, procedures and information within this document apply to all technological devices used in the College.
Woodlands International College has researched both the Digital Textbooks and Educational Apps. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that all the required Digital Textbooks and Apps are installed on the iPad or Tablet. Where the Digital Content is owned and supplied by the College, the responsibility lies with the College to inform the students on how to download the required material. Should the content be deleted, the onus is on the student to ensure that the content is re-downloaded. The College will offer assistance should there be difficulties with this process.
Students must abide by all College rules as outlined in this Acceptable User Policy.
The use of technology resources is a privilege, not a right. This Acceptable User Policy is provided to make both students and parents aware of the responsibilities associated with efficient, ethical and lawful use of technology resources. If you violate any of the User Terms and Conditions named in this policy, privileges may be terminated and disciplinary action could be applied.
The Woodlands International College Student Code of Conduct shall be applied to student infractions. When applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved.
Students are responsible for:
- Using all technological devices in a responsible and ethical manner.
- Using all technology resources in an appropriate manner so as to not damage school equipment. This “damage” includes, but is not limited to, the loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries or service interruptions caused by the students’ own negligence, errors or omissions.
- Ensuring that all the digital workbooks and/or textbooks are installed on the i-Pad. If there is not enough data space on the i-Pad, students will be required to delete games and/or Apps so as to ensure that the textbooks can fit onto the i-Pad or Tablet (not simply the PDF versions).
- Complying with trademark and copyright laws and all license agreements. Ignorance of the law is not immunity. If you are unsure, ask a teacher or parent.
- Students are not permitted to photograph published books on another student’s i-Pad and/or tablet. Both parties will be given Negative Actions for plagiarism.
- In addition to the Negative Actions – should the task or assignment be plagiarized the student will receive a zero mark for the task or assignment.
- Students are not allowed to access the College’s network without the permission of the Network Administrator.
- Sound must be muted at all times unless permission is obtained from the teacher for instructional purposes. In this case students are required to supply their own headphones.
- Music is allowed on the iPad, Tablet or Smartphone and can be used at the discretion of the teacher.
- Games are not allowed to be played on the iPads, Tablets and Smartphones during the school day. Staff are allowed to randomly monitor the applications that are “open” on the students’ devices.
- Prescribed applications can be used at the discretion of the teacher. These applications need to be directly related to the curriculum and on the prescribed list. This list will be continually updated and made available to the students.
- Inappropriate media may not be used as a screensaver or background photo.
- The presence of images of guns, weapons, pornographic materials, inappropriate language, alcohol, drug, gang related symbols or pictures will result in disciplinary action.
- Illegal installation or transmission of copyrighted materials.
- Sending, accessing, uploading, downloading, or distributing offensive, profane, threatening, pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit materials.
- Spamming – Sending mass or inappropriate emails.
- Gaining access to other student’s accounts, files, and/or data.
- Vandalism (any malicious attempt to harm or destroy hardware, software or data, including, but not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses or computer programs that can infiltrate computer systems and/or damage software components) of school equipment will not be allowed. NEGATIVE ACTIONS and cost implications for repair.
- Filming, photographing or recording students and/or staff without their express permission is not permitted.
- Using the i-Pad or Tablet or Smartphone and filmed, photographed or recorded content (whether obtained with or without permission) and any of the APPS to degrade, deface, humiliate, threaten, bully or intimidate a student or staff member.
Teachers may set additional requirements for use in their classroom.
Woodlands International College strongly opposes bullying. Children have the right to:
- Be loved and protected from harm, and the responsibility to show others love and respect.
- Be listened to and taken seriously, and the responsibility to listen to and be supportive of others.
- Be proud of our differences, heritage and beliefs, and the responsibility to respect the differences, origins and beliefs of others.
- Be happy participating in all activities whether cultural, academic or sporting, and the responsibility to different interests of others.
- Individual differences are appreciated, understood and accepted.
- Individuals empathize with each other and offer one another support.
- Bullying is reported to the staff and the necessary steps are taken by the staff to eliminate such behaviour.
Bullying is an unacceptable form of social interaction, which physically and/or emotionally damages another person.
- PHYSICAL – kicking, hitting, punching, pushing, slapping, bumping, tripping, damaging property or taking the possessions of others (stealing), forcing others to give you things or do things they do not wish to do.
- VERBAL – teasing, mocking, ridiculing, imitating, threatening, name calling, swearing, insulting friends, family, beliefs and religion, spreading rumours, ‘putting down’, unpleasant and/or abusive telephone calls, text messages or online abuse.
- HATE SPEECH – the discrimination against a person based on his/her race, religion, gender or sexual orientation will be construed as a clear intention to be hurtful and/or harmful or may be construed as an intention to incite harm, promote or propagate hatred. As an example the use of the “k” word or any other such discriminatory language falls under hate speech. To this end, as with all incidences of Bullying, this will lead to disciplinary action which can included dismissal from the College.
- PSYCHOLOGICAL – threatening or dominating a person, ostracising people from games and other activities, ignoring or avoiding people, ganging up on a person, rude gestures, sending unpleasant and/or lewd messages (notes, e-mails, text messaging, Facebook, Twitter and any other form of social media & SMS’s).
- Tell the person to stop and that such behaviour is unacceptable.
- Walk away and join another group of people if possible.
- Report it to a teacher.
- Place a written account of the incident in an envelope and address it to a teacher or the Principal. (Indicate in the letter if you wish to remain anonymous).
- Take it seriously.
- Tell the person to stop and that such behaviour is unacceptable.
- Report it to a teacher.
- Place a written account of the incident in an envelope and address it to a teacher or the Principal. (Indicate if you would like to remain anonymous).
- If you are found to have witnessed a bullying incident and have not reported it through any of the available channels, you will also be deemed to be responsible for this bullying
- Mild cases of bullying will be dealt with by the class teacher and reported to the Principal.
- The Principal will deal with severe cases of bullying.
- Incidents will be investigated in the strictest confidence.
- All persons involved will be interviewed separately to gain an unbiased opinion, by a hearing from both parties.
- Parents of both parties will be contacted and informed of the incident.
- If bullying recurs, additional disciplinary action will be taken – this may can include:
- the withdrawal of privileges, including the participation in extra-mural activities or any form of socialisation where others are
- suspension from the classroom
- counselling sessions
- suspension
- disciplinary hearing
- termination of educational contract
At Woodlands International College, it is not permissible for any student to use drugs, or to bring drugs to College, to sell drugs, or to come to College under the influence of drugs. In order to ensure that Woodlands International College is maintained as a drug-free environment, strict measures such as suspension or expulsion will be instituted in the case of any breach of the Code of Conduct in this regard.
For the purposes of the Code of Conduct, drugs are defined as substances which have the potential to be abused, which would include alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes and drugs which can be legally or illegally obtained.
While the College is in its right to immediately terminate the Educational Contract of students who contravene the Substance Abuse Policy, we are also mindful of the fact that a purely punitive approach to drug abuse is contrary to the Woodlands family & moral ethos. Our approach to drug abuse is focused on the provision of a supportive environment to students in terms of education against experimentation, deterrent from experimentation, and support in the event of drug use.
Students and parents are made aware of this policy annually and are required to sign acceptance of the Policy at the commencement of each new year.
The College procedures in dealing with substance abuse and contravention of this policy are described below:
The jurisdiction of the Woodlands Substance-Free Policy includes the following:
- on College property at all times, both in and out of uniform.
- at all bona fide school events under the auspices of school management, both in and out of uniform.
- whenever a student is in school uniform, or is recognised as a student of the school.
- whenever the conduct of a student at a place or time not covered by the above nonetheless affects fellow students, staff or the student’s own performance or brings the College into disrepute.
- The procedures described within this Policy are guidelines used by Woodlands International College for dealing with issues of substance abuse and dependency.
- Within the Life Orientation Programmes the issues and dangers surrounding substance abuse are highlighted and discussed.
- In addition, the College organizes a range of educational programmes dealing with the problems of substance abuse and dependency.
Should or if there is reason to believe that a student is using drugs or abusing alcohol, the case will be referred to the Principal or Deputy Principal, who will take all the steps necessary to investigate the seriousness or otherwise of the problem.
These steps would include:
- Investigating, interviewing and referring where appropriate. The involvement of the South African Police Services through the Boksburg North Precinct can be used in assisting with the investigation.
- Careful assessment will take place with regard to every case, and action taken will be commensurate with the severity of the case, the previous disciplinary record of the student concerned, any possible coercion or intimidation which may have taken place, and the subsequent reaction of the student involved.
When a student behaves in a manner which deems Immediate Suspension necessary, the first two letters of warning are not applicable. | |
Suspension ‘ disciplinary hearing | Smoking cigarettes – either tobacco based, e-cigarettes or hubbly (of any sort) on the College campus, in College uniform or while representing the College. |
Suspension ‘ disciplinary hearing | Possession of alcohol or drugs – immediate drug testing will be instituted. |
Should or if:
- A student is suspected of being under the influence of drugs whilst at school, the matter will be referred to the Principal or Deputy Principal who will investigate the claims according to laid-down procedures. If the assessment appears to validate concerns, the student will be isolated from others, and a drug test will be administered. Parents will also be called and required to take responsibility for the student and the College will insist that a further drug test (blood sample) be carried out by a professional.
- A student is found to be positive for substance abuse, a contract for rehabilitation will be drafted and signed by the student, the parents/legal guardians and the Principal. Provided that the treatment is adhered to, and that fellow students and staff-members will not be adversely affected, no disciplinary action will be instituted.
- If, however, the contract is not adhered to, the school reserves the right to institute disciplinary action which would lead to the termination of the Educational Contract.
- A student who has admitted to substance abuse or has been found positive of substance abuse, refuses to sign the contract of rehabilitation, his or her Educational Contract terminated immediately.
- The parents and child will also be informed that any behavioural manifestations of drug use whilst at College will be subject to the disciplinary action outlined below.
Suspension, disciplinary hearing and possible cancellation of Educational Contract | Consuming/being under the influence of alchohol/drugs on College campus or while representing the College – immediate drug testing will be implemented and a detailed investigation will take place. Depending on the severity of the findings of the investigation the following steps will be implemented:
Should or if:
- A student be found to be in possession of drugs on the school property with the intent of providing drugs to others, this is regarded as a particularly serious breach of this policy and will result in immediate termination of the Educational Contract without following the other procedures under this policy.
Disciplinary Hearing and termination of Educational Contract | Dealing in Drugs |
Should or if:
- A student admit to drug use and seeks assistance, or self-refers, support will be given and outside agencies (where necessary) and parents consulted. A contract for rehabilitation will be drafted and signed by the student, the parents/legal guardians and the Principal. Provided that the treatment is adhered to, and that fellow students and staff-members will not be adversely affected, no disciplinary action will be instituted.
- If however, the contract is not adhered to, the school reserves the right to institute disciplinary action which would lead to the termination of the Educational Contract.
This contract states that:
- a student will be given a Suspended Sentence with regard to his/her Educational Contract on condition that the following criteria are all agreed to and instituted by his/her parents and him/herself.
- A 5 day compulsory suspension will be implemented during which time the student needs to report to the Boksburg North Police Station for community service. This community service must be completed at to the satisfaction of the relevant Constable.
- The student needs to be enrolled in and complete a full rehabilitation at a recognised Institution that offers such a service. For example – “Reach” at the Word and Life Church in Sunward Park or an approved equivalent programme.
- A thorough progress report needs to be submitted by the facilitator of the “Reach” programme or any other approved programme with evidence that the student actively, conscientiously and meaningfully participated in the rehabilitation process.
- The student needs to maintain a drug-free status and may be asked to be re-tested if the College feels that such an action is in the best interests of the student, the College and the students at the College.
Parents will be liable for the cost of testing in all cases where the testing is positive. Refusal to consent to a test or to undergo a test may lead to the inference being drawn that the student has breached the policy. The College may proceed with appropriate disciplinary action.
Random drug searches and drug tests can be administered by the College as laid down in the Department of Education South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 (updated on 19th September 2011) – Government Gazette 3462.